Small Shop Academy's Tuition Payment Page
Contact me via facebook or email to register for tuition-based classes on Members Only facebook pages. PayPal or personal checks accepted. Upon request, I will provide you with account information or mailing address, according to your choice of payment options. No financial information will be asked for or accepted on this website. Current class offerings and pricing are as follows:
Classes currently completed or being added to:
01b: Vertical Piano Refinishing / Members Only ........................................$299
02b: Fundamentals of Piano Refinishing.....................................................$149
05b: New Pinblock, Pins and Strings in the Grand Piano............................$299
15b: On-Site Epoxy Repair of the Upright Bass Bridge..............................$149
Classes which will begin in the near future:
09b: Upright Action Restoration ................................................................$299
10b: Keyset Restoration .............................................................................$149
11b: Pinblock Panel Installation in an Upright ..........................................$299
12b: Soundboard Repair in an Upright ......................................................$299
All-Inclusive Class Enrollment Opportunity:
Gold Membership ...................................................................................$1500
With a Gold Membership, you will be automatically enrolled in every class offered. Whether you choose to participate or not in a particular class is up to you, but you will be added to the list and notified of each new offering. The catch is that this is strictly a "No Refund payment" with no guarantee of the number of classes and lessons I will be able to offer over time. Since I am a one-person faculty of the Small Shop Academy, obviously if I am no longer around, I won't be posting new lessons, whether I meet my maker via being hit by a Mack Truck, succumbing to a new variation of virus, or being squashed by a falling piano. Seriously, though, I intend to make every effort to document every protocol that I use in my shop in the months and years to come. I am 70 now, and my dad worked on pianos until he turned 88 and he lived until he was 95, so I am hopeful that I have years ahead of me to do this work, which I love. I was a teacher for 36 years, have my Masters Degree in education, and ever since retiring from my high school teaching job in '06, I have longed to be teaching again. The video lesson format that I use for presenting lessons has given me a new lease on life, and I look forward to every day that I'm out in the shop, working on a piano project and filming the processes. Contact me if you're interested and I'll be glad to set you up with an all-inclusive membership.